Who we are
We are a team of enthusiasts specialized in developing software.
Latest News

Another amazing year

We would like to wish you all a happy new year with MARMAK. This year we have done more than any other year, and we hope this is only going to be a positive trend. Happy new year 2025!
~The MARMAK Team

TheClicker 5 out for every platform!

Since today, TheClicker 5 for Windows Mobile 5/6 is available to the general public, finishing our goal of bringing TheClicker 5 to every platform we know how to handle. This day also marks the end of OpenClicker, apart from internal saves, as the new JSON save format is universally available for UWP, Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows Mobile 5/6.

Updated passwd.

Finally, after a year without changes our password generator has been revamped and given the classic MARMAK services look. Click here to check it out!

Released LimeStore

Today, with the help of Siomek101, we are excited to publish a new exciting way to download our apps on Windows 10 Mobile - LimeStore. This new application allows the downloading and installation of some of our flagship apps, all from the comfort of one app on your device. Click here to go to the download page!

Published TheClicker 5

We are excited to announce a new generation of our game - TheClicker. This version is exciting since it merges both sides of the spectrum - the minimalist nature of Kierownik223's game and the complex mechanics in Karol's version. This version is out now for the Universal Windows Platform and Windows Phone 8.1, and is planned to soon be released for Windows Mobile 5. The game features NFC save sharing, new upgrades, extraordinary stability, cross-compatibility and most importantly - new features, like statistics and Windows® Hello™ security, so that you can be sure nobody resets your game while you are away from your device! To download the UWP version, click here, and here for the Windows® Phone 8.1 version.
~Karol & MARMAK

Released TheClicker for WP8

We are excited to say that we have finally published a version of our game - TheClicker, for Windows Phone 8.1. This version finally includes importing and exporting your progres to a file compatible with both the UWP version and the Windows Mobile 5 version, altough without statistics. It can be downloaded here.